After a few months of thought, discussion and implementation our latest Backdrop site is now open for public access at The requirements for this site seemed to fit well within the market for Backdrop though there have been some challenges requiring the porting of extra contributed modules from Backdrop's forerunner Drupal 7. Overall I am delighted with the way Backdrop has met our need for versatility and provides ease-of-use for site editors.
As you can see if you visit the site, it provides information about the history and activities of the club, together with press reports and photo albums. It includes a calendar, using Google calendar, and from there takes an API feed of forthcoming events. Behind the scenes is the club membership list and this is used for sending out group emails as well as secure reference by those who need to know.
The following contributed modules are in use on the site: Agenda, Auto-nodetitle, Colorbox, Google-fonts, Invisimail, Mimemail, Simple-Access, Views-Send together with Backup-Migrate, Devel, Imce, Libraries, Mailsystem and Webform in support. The basic theme is Bartik but this is heavily modified with use of custom Views and CSS styles.
I very much appreciate the support of the Backdrop team over the past year as I have learnt more and more about this powerful open-source system. Also it has been great to collaborate on this with Catherine of; without her this would never have happened.